I have exclusively used OfficeTime since it’s inception. In my opinion, it is the best Time Tracker and invoicing application for Virtual Assistant’s. Some of the benefits are vividly colored usage graphs, the ability to add many different categories, easy to user interface, multiple person reports, iCal integration, and the highlight: the BEST customer service that I have ever seen. Recently they added iPad and iPhone apps which only just confirm my reasons for using this time tracking application. Give them a try today, especially if you are a virtual worker/virtual assistant!
Author bio: Taryn Merrick is a Professional Virtual Assistant and Online Business Manager (OBM). As Principal of Merrick Management And Media Services, she has over 20 years of administrative management experience. Taryn works to promote the Virtual Assistant industry and to make it stand out as a true profession of excellence. Her style is easy going, yet precise, with emphasis placed on exceeding customer expectations, client communication and satisfaction.
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